

      美 [ðiz]

      英 [ðiːz]

  •       adj.这些(的)
  •       pron.这些














      Ifyoubegintogetthese IOI'sfrom your targeted female,chances are she's readytobekissed!



      The modulardesignofthesetwounitsallows the customertotailor the system to his ownrequirements.



      Noone has changed the worldso much inthesedecadeslike Steve Jobs, who has nothrone, no military force, no politicaltitle.



      Subsequentanalysis of the modelscan establish how muchwork is neededtomakethesechangesand identify potentialtechnicalproblems.



      The problem was that two of theseprinciples were inpotentialcollision.



      None oftheseappeared to poseanyimmediatehealthimpact.



      Since the formof the conversionexpression should differinthese two regimes, we shallconsider them separately.



      The majority of thesenewcomerscontinued to come fromIreland, Germany, the Netherlandsand Scandinavia.



      These categories make it easy to reference, browse, sort, andshare the cards.



      So for each oneofthesechemicalpotentials,I'm going towriteit in terms of the pressure.
