

      美 [wi:ks]

      英 [wi:ks]

  •       n.“week”的复数;威克斯
  •       网络周;星期;爱你九周半














      Afewweeksearlierhe had soldme a ringand a gun;itturned out that the ring belonged to the victimand the gunwas the murder weapon.




      Six toeightweekslater, the bladderisreadytobe put into the patient.




      Companies can nolongerafford to haveexecutivesout on tripsforweeks at a time.




      The onlyproblemis that such an enterprise has neverbeen attempted indeep water,and it would take at leasttwoweeksto be put in place.




      Afterweshipwreckedmyteamcontinued to search for the transmission source. It was weeks before we found the radio tower.




      Seltsovsky attributes this,inpart,to the heat, firesanddangeroussmog that werein the airofand on for the lasteightweeks.




      'Afewweeksormonthsofnegative earnings will notmeanmuchto the value of thesebusinesses in the long run. '




      Butassoon as they were bornat Elgin MaternityHospitalfiveweeksago,sheandhusbandBarryknew that it wasn't going to be aproblem.




      Ithinkweshouldgo for twoweeks.Wecould spend aweekinSydney and aweek at the Great Barrier Reef, including afewdays on the beach.




      Fonterra could have gone publicnearlysixweeksearlierbut Mr Ferrier insiststhat the wiser course was to workwithin the system.

