

      美 [wɜrk]

      英 [wɜː(r)k]

  •       n.工作;作品;劳动;功
  •       v.劳动;干活;奏效;运行

      复数:works  现在分词:working  过去式:worked  过去分词:wrought  




      hard work,great work,real work,important work,creative work


      do work,like work,get work,need work,start work


      fine work,probably work,work properly,work well,work together







      做工;执行任务do job/task



      做体力(或脑力)工作;劳动;干活to do sth that involves physical or mental effort, especially as part of a job



      受雇于;从事…工作to have a job

      努力make effort



      ~ yourself/sb + adv./prep.

      使工作;(尤指)使卖力干活to make yourself/sb work, especially very hard



      争取;力争;努力取得to make efforts to achieve sth




      ~ sth

      管理,经营(以获利)to manage or operate sth to gain benefit from it




      运转;运行to function; to operate



      ~ sth

      开动,操作(机器、装置等);使运作to make a machine, device, etc. operate

      有结果╱作用have result/effect



      奏效;产生预期的结果(或作用)to have the result or effect that you want



      产生…作用to have a particular effect



      ~ sth

      使奏效;(由于努力)造成,产生to cause or produce sth as a result of effort

      使用材料use material



      (通过压挤、拉长、锤击等)使成形,使定形to make a material into a particular shape or form by pressing, stretching, hitting it, etc.



      ~ in/with sth

      用某种材料作画(或编制、编织等)to use a particular material to produce a picture or other item

      脸╱身体部位of part of face/body



      抽动;抽搐;颤动to move violently

      逐渐移动move gradually



      (逐渐地)移动(到某位置);(逐步)变成(某状态)to move or pass to a particular place or state, usually gradually


      大多数含 work 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 work your fingers to the bone 在词条 finger 下。Most idioms containingwork are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for examplework your fingers to the bone is atfinger .

      work it/things


      (尤指巧妙地)办成,办妥to arrange sth in a particular way, especially by being clever
