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kinetics 基本解释


kinetics 网络解释

      1. 动学:2.以脚的脚趾筋膜的体压性与活动性为中心 步行时对主要关节的各运动,肌肉活动,下肢(骨盆,大腿骨,胫骨等)的压力支持起着对称作用且给移动身体中心提供有效的条件 3.考虑到脚的运动学(Kinetics) 站立工作时能使身体的体重得到妥当的分配.即中足骨头压的分配,

      2. 运动学:3.考虑到脚的运动学(Kinetics) 站立工作时能使身体的体重得到妥当的分配.即中足骨头压的分配,脚底的平均体重分配(Mean Regional Weight Distribution, 后足60%,中足8%,前足28%,脚趾4%.

      3. 动理学:动力学 dynamics | 动理学 kinetics | 宏观力学 macroscopic mechanics,macromechanics

kinetics 双语例句

      1. Factors affecting catalyst regeneration were discussed based on the coke-burning kinetics of cracking catalyst and the chemical reaction engineering principles.


      2. Object To investigate the effects of human telomerase reverse transcriptase antisense phosphorothioate oligodeoxynucleotide on cell proliferation and cell cycle kinetics of Hela cell line in vitro.

      目的 观察人类端粒酶催化亚基反义寡核苷酸对Hela细胞增殖和细胞周期的影响。


      3. The results of fluorescence induction kinetics and fluorescence spectra indicated, the net photosynthetic rate, PSⅡ and PSⅠ photochemical activity, electron transport, photosynthetic phosphorylation and CO〓 fixation of Boea hygrometrica were characterized by a fasten decline during dehydration and a much higher capacity for recovery during subsequent rehydration in comparison with Chirita heteroteicha.


      4. In this paper, The influence of heat set and dyeing on the structure of PTT fiber was investigated by FT-IR, DSC, critical dissolution time. The influence of heat set on the dyeability of PTT fiber was discussed, too. Meanwhile, many experiments on the dyeing performance of PET fiber were carried out. The effect of different dyeing temperature on the uptake and visual color depth value and dyeing characteristics of different dyes with temperature increasing were discussed, and the influence of temperature on the dyeing depth were also evaluated when dyeing for PTT and PET fiber in the same dye bath condition. Especially the kinetics and thermodynamics of dyeing with disperse dyes were mainly studied.


      5. The study of kinetics of homogeneous hydroxymethylation show that the reaction of lignin and formaldehyde is two grade reaction. The active energy is 124.4KJ/mol.


      6. kinetics

      6. The fourth chapter talks about the weft carrier, in this part, we mostly introduce the big gripper shuttle in the comparative way and not only analyze the structure but also analyze the stress of the fatigable parts. In the fifth chapter, the shuttle box is our research emphasis, we start with the design principle and analyze its structure and the logic of the action of the parts. The sixth chapter discusses the shoot mechanism, builds its theory model and analyzes its law of motion from the view of kinematics and kinetics during the wefting. And then, we can consider the hydraulically shoot mechanism and comprehend its principle and some special parts. Subsequently, the content is about the flying of a shuttle, because the course of the flying of a shuttle is very complex, it is necessary to study the shuttle according to mechanics and to analyze its course of motion and its change of speed from the view of energy.


      7. Its necessary to investigate the effect of test medium contamination on the performance of scramjet combustor. In this thesis, the mole fraction of H_2O at the exit of hydrogen fueledheater is computed by the code. The finite-rate chemical kinetics model and the K-ε turbulence model are used to simulate the flow field and performance of combustor of the clean air and the vitiated test medium.


      8. This paper investigated the effect of ozone treatment of dichlorovs, influence factor, and reaction kinetics.


      9. The element composition, morphology and micro-structure of carbon deposit in coking chamber were analyzed, its reaction kinetics of carbon deposit with air were studied.

      摘 要:从元素组成、形貌特征及微观结构方面分析了焦炉炉墙石墨的性质,研究了焦炉石墨与空气反应的动力学。

      10. Kinetics of oxygen isotope exchange between water and minerals of miarolitic alkaline granite from Nianzishan



      11. The methods of the disperse fluorescence, temporal-resolved spectrum and spatial-resolved spectrum were used to study the excited dissociation kinetics of N2/H2O gas in the pulsed streamer discharge plasma at the standared atmospheric pressure (1.013×105 Pa).

      采用色散荧光光谱、时间分辨光谱和空间分辨光谱方法,在标准大气压(1.013×105 Pa)下,对以N2气为载气的H2O蒸气脉冲流光放电等离子体激发解离反应动力学过程进行了实验研究。

      12. kinetics的反义词

      12. Over the vanadium pentoxide catalyst the kinetics of oxidation of benzene is studied.


      13. The initial stage of reaction corresponds to deposition on a relatively smooth surface and the reaction kinetics is controlled by mass transfer. The increased rate of the second stage reaction is due to the development of a structured surface deposit which effectively increases the surface area available for the cementation reaction.


      14. In this paper, the macroscopic kinetics of hydrolysis of MeOAc, catalyzed by catalyst capsule and particulate catalyst of G- 6104 cation exchange resin were investigated respectively.


      15. The muffle kiln was also used in the experiment of calcining of MSWI fly ash. This study investigated the migration characteristics of 4 heavy metals in the process of calcining and established vaporescence kinetics models of heavy metals.


      16. kinetics

      16. Our results show that the surface antigen kinetics differences in different patients may be related to different genotypes.



      17. The results showed that as pH decreased, the sorption capacity of HIO increased, and the sorption kinetics followed the second-order model, and the sorption isotherm could be fitted by the Langmuir equation.


      18. The Thermodynamical Analysis of Chloride Leaching Bismuth Sulphide; 2. Using Cu~(2+) as oxidazing angent and neutral chloride as complexing angent, the oxidation chloride leaching kinetics of low-grade bismuth sulphide ore is studied.


      19. kinetics的近义词

      19. In this paper, in the first place, based on the thorough research of technique of controlling the temperature of cement decomposing furnace, the structure of DD decomposing furnace and process of double combustion and removal nitrate is studied. According to model of combustion dynamics of combustion of coal and decomposing of carbonate established on the kinetics of reaction, the principal factors that affect the temperature of decomposing furnace are determined.


      20. In addition, the formation of liquid crystalline glass of thermotropic polymers was analyzed on the basis of thermodynamics and kinetics.


kinetics 英英释义


      1. the branch of mechanics concerned with the forces that cause motions of bodies

      Synonym: dynamics