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英 [bʊk]
美 [bʊk]
  • n.


  • vt.& vi.


  • vt.


  • adj.


  • 变形



    1. [C] 书,书籍number of printed or written sheets of paper bound together in a cover
    2. [P] 账簿written records of the finances of a business; accounts
    3. [C] (大型著作的)卷,篇,部any of the main divisions of a large written work
    4. [C] 歌剧的歌词the words of an opera
    1. vt.& vi. 预订ask and pay for a seat for the theatre, a journey etc.; reserve〔arrange〕 in advance to have sth
    2. vt. 登记,记账write down orders, etc. in a notebook
    3. vt. 订立演出契约hire in advance



    • n.
      • a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together)

        "I am reading a good book on economics"

      • physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together

        "he used a large book as a doorstop"


      • a record in which commercial accounts are recorded

        "they got a subpoena to examine our books"

        同义词:ledgerlegeraccount bookbook of account

      • a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge

        "he bought a book of stamps"

      • a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone

        "his name is in all the record books"

        同义词:recordrecord book

      • a major division of a long written composition

        "the book of Isaiah"

      • a written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance


      • a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game
      • a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made

        "they run things by the book around here"

        同义词:rule book

      • the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina


      • the sacred writings of the Christian religions

        同义词:BibleChristian BibleGood BookHoly ScriptureHoly WritScriptureWord of GodWord

    • v.
      • record a charge in a police register

        "The policeman booked her when she tried to solicit a man"

      • arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance

        "The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family"


      • engage for a performance

        "Her agent had booked her for several concerts in Tokyo"

      • register in a hotel booker


    用作名词 (n.)
    • abridge a book节删一本书
    • balance one's books结算账目
    • copyright a book以版权保护一本书
    • devour a book贪婪地读一本书
    • edit a book of poetry编辑一部诗集
    • examine the books查账
    • finish a book读〔写〕完一本书
    • gallop through a book匆匆看完一本书
    • hit the book〈美〉用功
    • hold book(演出时)当提词人
    • keep books记账
    • look through the books查账
    • ban a book查禁一本书
    • make book下赌注或接受赌注
    • mend a book修订书
    • mutilate a book把书删改得支离破碎
    • notice a new book介绍一本新书
    • open a book打开书
    • order a book订购某书
    • peruse a book精读一本书
    • pirate a book非法偷印一本书
    • proofread a book校对一部著作
    • publish a book出版一本书
    • bind a book装订一本书
    • pulp old books把旧书做成造纸的纸浆
    • put out a book出版一本书
    • read a book读一本书
    • recommend a book推荐一本书
    • replace a book on the shelf把书放回书架上去
    • reread a book重读一本书
    • reset a book对一本书进行改版
    • return a book还书
    • review a book评论一本书
    • shut the books结账,停止营业
    • borrow a book借本书
    • skim a book略读一本书
    • stack up the books把书撂起来
    • tear one's book把书撕毁
    • translate a book翻译一本书
    • write a book写书
    • bring out a book出版一本书
    • buy a book买书
    • catalogue a book编图书目录
    • censor a book审查一本书
    • close a book合上书
    • banned book禁书
    • bargain book廉价书
    • quotable book值得引用的书
    • rare book珍本
    • readable book值得一读的书
    • sumptuous book精装书
    • tedious book枯燥无味的书
    • thick book厚书
    • thin book薄书
    • thought-provoking book启迪思想的书
    • trashy book毫无价值的书
    • useful book有用的书
    • best-selling book畅销书
    • valuable book有价值的书
    • weighty book有分量的著作
    • well-bound book装帧精致的书
    • well-thumbed book翻得很旧的书
    • wonder-stirring book令人惊异的书
    • absorbing book引人入胜的书
    • authoritative book权威性的著作
    • enjoyable book有趣的书
    • exciting book扣人心弦的书
    • illustrated book有插图的书
    • blank book空白本子
    • indexed book附有索引的书
    • indifferent book平凡的书
    • informative book资料丰富的书
    • instructive book有教益的书
    • ancient book古籍,古书
    • chained books线装书
    • dirty books淫秽书籍
    • dull book枯燥无味的书
    • famous book名著
    • foul books淫秽书籍
    • deep book内容深奥的书
    • funny book有趣的书
    • handwritten book手抄书
    • hot-selling books畅销书
    • indecent books淫秽书籍
    • interesting book有趣的书
    • lewd books淫秽书籍
    • long book篇幅长的书
    • musty old books发霉的旧书
    • original book原版书
    • practical book实用的书
    • defamatory book诽谤他人的书
    • serious book内容严肃的书
    • short book篇幅短的书
    • the Good Book《圣经》
    • weak book没有什么价值的书
    • White book白皮书
    • closed book没法搞清楚的事〔人〕,已了结的事
    • open book一目了然的事物,坦率的人
    • difficult book难读的书
    • low-priced book廉价书
    • most delightful and refreshing book读来令人心旷神怡的书
    • popular book通俗读物
    • check book支票簿
    • comic book连环漫画册
    • complaint book意见簿
    • cookery book烹饪指南
    • history book历史书
    • juvenile book少年读物
    • memorandum book备忘录
    • note book笔记本
    • picture book图画书
    • reference book参考书
    • rent book租借账本
    • story book故事书
    • account books会计账册,存折
    • address book通讯录
    • bank book银行存折
    • cook book烹调书
    • copy book习字帖
    • day book日记账
    • detective book侦探小说
    • exercise book练习本
    • geography book地理书
    • guide book旅行指南
    • hand book手册
    • language book语言书
    • library book图书馆的书
    • note book笔记本
    • play book剧本
    • pocket book袖珍本
    • ring book〈美〉电话簿
    • school book教科书
    • song book歌曲集
    • style book样本
    • telephone book电话号码簿
    • text book教科书
    • word book词典
    • year book年鉴
    • children's book儿童读物
    • visitors' book来客登记簿
    • book end书夹
    • book mark (er)书签
    • book notice书评
    • book account往来账户,账户科目
    • book balance账面余额
    • book case书柜
    • book club读书会
    • book confirmation订货确认
    • book industry图书行业
    • book knowledge书本知识
    • book man文人
    • book seller书商
    • book shelf书架
    • book store书店
    • book value账面价值
    • book worm书痴
    • book to be published出版一本书
    • by the book按常规
    • go by the book一丝不苟地按规则办事
    • annotated edition of the book这本书的注释版本
    • off the books除名,退会
    • on the books已登记,记入名册
    • without book凭记忆,无根据,任意
    • from a book从书中
    • in a book在书中
    • be in sb's black books失宠
    • be in sb 's good books得宠
    • a set of books一套书
    • the catalogues of books图书目录
    • the index of a book一本书的索引
    • pirated edition of the book那本书的非法翻印版本
    • book about有关…的书
    • book about law有关法律的书
    • book at press印刷中的书
    • book by double entry复式簿记
    • book for pleasure供消遣的书
    • book for visitors来访登记
    • book in English用英文撰写的书
    • book in print正在印制中的书
    • book of stamps集邮簿
    • a book of tickets一本票子
    • book of travel旅行随笔
    • book on论…的书
    • book on hypnotism催眠术论著
    • book on law有关法律的书
    • book on popular science科普读物
    • book out of print绝版书
    用作动词 (v.)
    • book a call预约电话
    • book a container预订集装箱
    • book a flight预订机票
    • book a hotel room预订旅馆房间
    • book a passage预订船票
    • book a performance预订一场演出的票
    • book a room预订房间
    • book a seat订了个座位
    • book a table预订宴席
    • book a train ticket预订火车票
    • book one's passage订购船票
    • book ticket订票
    • book fully全部预订
    • book down入账
    • book in预订,签到,办理(住入旅馆的)登记手续
    • book off登记下班
    • book out客满,办离开(旅馆的)手续
    • book through预订直达…车票
    • book up替人预订,预约
    • book for难免…,预订…,盘问某人
    • book into签到,登记
    • book on被登记备案
    • book oneself for给自己预订
    • book to托运到


    in the book◎[美国英语]记录在案的;为人所知的,所熟悉的,所通晓的 , ◎[主英国口语]登入电话簿的 , ◎[用于否定句]按规定可以允许的 , ◎in the book(s) 有记录的,现存的,现有的

    book on有关…的书

    book in登记;预定

    book for预订

    good bookn. 基督教的圣经

    like a book◎彻底地,完全地,整个地 , ◎准确地,正确地 , ◎在口语中用文雅的书面语(常与 know, read, speak,talk 连用)

    read a book看书,读书

    by the bookadv. 按常规;依照惯例

    english book英语书

    address book通讯簿;住址名册

    booked up预订一空的

    on the book在书上

    reference book参考书;工具书

    an open book众所周知的事

    the book of life生命之书

    comic book连环漫画册

    book value帐面价值

    text book课本,教科书

    book review书评

    book of changesn. 易经(等于I Ching)



    order, book




    1. That student lost his book yesterday.
    2. Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper.
    1. I'll book you on a direct flight to London.
    2. You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.
    3. He was booked on a charge of speeding.
    4. He was booked by the referee for foul play.


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