

      [英 [mɒs] 美 [mɔ:s] ]



moss 基本解释

      名词苔藓; 藓沼; 莫斯(男子名); 泥炭沼

      及物动词以苔藓覆盖; 使长满苔藓

      abbr.[宇](=manned orbital space station)载人轨道航天站


moss 相关例句


      1. A rolling stone gathers no moss.


moss 网络解释

      1. moss

      1. 苔藓:解梦算命;8月5日石南花(HeatherLing)花语:孤单8月6日喇叭花(TrumpetFlower)花语:声誉8月7日石榴花(Pomegranate)花语:成熟美8月8日杜鹃花(Azalea)花语:爱的喜悦8月9日木犀花(Cistus)花语:人缘8月10日苔藓(Moss)花语:母爱8月11


      2. 藓:报春花(Cyclamen)花语:含羞1月15日刺竹(Thorn)花语:严格1月17日酸模(Sorrel)花语:挚爱1月19日松(Pine)花语:健康、长寿1月20日金凤花(ButterCup)花语:童真1月21日常春藤(Ivy)花语:沉静、安详1月22日苔藓(Moss)花语:母爱1月23

      3. moss的反义词

      3. 莫斯:1954年,民主党占据下院多数,莫斯(Moss)议员提出以信息公开控制政府的主张. 其后,美国开始研究、制定信息公开法并对广大公民进行启蒙,最终于1966年制定了. 该法一改中只有正当且有直接利害关系的当事人才可请求查阅政府文件的作法,

      4. moss的意思

      4. 苔:23日芦苇(Bulrush)花语:服从1月24日番红花(SaffronCrocus)花语:进退得宜1月26日含羞草(HumblePlant)花语:敏感1月27日七度灶(MountainAsh)花语:坚固1月28日黑色白杨木(BlackPoplar)花语:勇气1月29日苔(Moss)花语:呵护1月30

      5. moss:mime object security services; 多目标因特网邮件交换对象安全服务协议

      6. moss:modelling of surfaces system; 表面工程模型系统

      7. moss:market oriented sector specific; 市场导向特定部门

moss 双语例句

      1. In the stone and the stone inside the gap, but also long green moss.


      2. Look, your dress, it's green with moss!


      3. Hence, I would like to call it'Green Sock Moss'to differentiate it from the other moss.



      4. Dark green spots of moss began to dot it.


      5. This Green Sock Moss is really quite different from the other Taxiphyllum species.


      6. Here's a way you can accelerate and establish a beautiful green moss cover over your garden rocks and concrete features.



      7. Any flowerless plant such as a fern or moss in which growth occurs only at the tip of the main stem.


      8. My old trunk will grow covered with moss and grass, but my heart will never stop beating.


      9. I proudly carried the bottle to move forward, careless step on a piece of moss on the rocks.


      10. This week`s Speedo Tip of the Week is an excerpt from the July-August 2004 issue of Splash, in which special correspondent Bonnie Moss writes about improving your mental strategies for peak performance.

      本周的 Speedo 小贴示系转载 Splash 杂志 2004 年七八月合刊,在本片文章中,特约记者邦尼·摩斯介绍了有关通过提高思想控制策略以进入最佳竞技状态的内容。

      11. A rolling stone has no moss.


      12. Type and sole genus of the Selaginellaceae; evergreen mosslike plants: spike moss and little club moss.



      13. Any of various vascular plants that reproduce by means of spores rather than by seeds, including the ferns and related plants, such as club moss es and horsetails.


      14. Well, I live in Coddington, and we're going to be absolutely surrounded by these high moss.


      15. Karst moss is a unique ecosystem, which provide good environment for abundant biodiversity of epiphyte aquatic protozoan community.


      16. Treated with 3 kinds of cultivation medium s:peat, moss and soil, adaptability of Thalia dealbata, Pontederia cordata, Iris sanguinea and Hydrocotyle verticillata were compared.


      17. moss什么意思

      17. DATE=5-7-01 TITLE=DEVELOPMENT REPORT - UN Polio Campaign BYLINE=Jill Moss (Start at 101)This is the VOA Special English Development Report.


      18. moss什么意思

      18. In Irish moss pools, on the other hand, the crabs lack cover and are eaten by gulls.


      19. moss的翻译

      19. Irish moss and Plantain have also been discussed for heartburn, but most herb doctors don't recommend them for this specific disease.


      20. moss

      20. If a tide pool has a lot of snails, they eat the Enteromorpha and make way for Irish moss.


moss 词典解释

      1. 青苔;苔藓

      Moss is a very small soft green plant which grows on damp soil, or on wood or stone.

      e.g. ...ground covered over with moss.


moss 单语例句moss是什么意思

      1. Kate Moss is cleaning up her act in order to have another baby.

      2. I remember looking at all those amazing photos of Kate Moss but at first I didn't realise it was an actual job.

      3. Moss has apparently given Doherty a categorical list of what he can and can't say on the show.

      4. Model Kate Moss is the next celeb set to start her own fashion frenzy with a line for UK chainstore Top Shop next month.

      5. Moss is already the face of a record 14 ad campaigns, and she may now be adding designer to her resume as well.

      6. Supermodels such as Kate Moss promote criticism for their gaunt looks that the fashion industry is glorifying heroin chic.

      7. " Our local partners help educate us on special flavors needed for making authentic Chinese food, " Moss said.

      8. Moss said the Chinese chefs whip up all kinds of dishes and have a particularly good grasp of Asian flavors.

      9. Moss said the Chinese were not always looking for investment but were also being lured in by the lifestyle that London can offer.

      10. Moss said the Chinese property buying behavior is like that of most international property investors.

moss 英英释义


      1. tiny leafy-stemmed flowerless plants