

      [yǐ lài]





      relyon; bedependenton



      全部,rely on,be dependent on,relying,put confidence,count on



      Amyrefused to go outwithCharlesisanaturalthing,becauseshe does notlike to bedependent on othersasa look at thedisabled.




      But,hesays, 'Ireallylike the notion of not having to look to a superior, to have independence andbedoing the entrepreneurial thing.




      His visionandhearingbecame so bad that hehadrely on his wife to be his eyesandears.




      Since then,life has neverbeeneasyfor the villagers,astheyhave to live off the tiny pieces ofland.




      Losingconfidence in his changeupandsinker, Pettitte saidhetrudged on trying torely on just his fastballand cutter.




      Taken asatrend,they amount to adangerouserosion of the system of multilateraltradeon which globalprosperitydepends.




      Rather than rebuking the Israelites,Hebegan to testandteachthem to dailytrust and depend on Him.




      Rather than allowingcoldreason to direct our liveslike the Deists ,menbegan to affirm the worldofemotionand to rely on intuition.




      In very young babies, their nutritional intake hinges on that of their mothersbothbeforeandafter their birth.




      Butsincetheland-reform program begantaking farms fromwhites, the countryhas had to rely on foodimportsandaid handouts.

