

      [guān yú]

  •       na.on; about; concerning




      about; on; withregardto; concerning; inregardto [of]; withrespectto; asrespects; asregards; inthisregard; inone'sregard; asconcerns ...; asto; relateto ...; inrelationto; relative; asfaras ... beconcerned






      Every timeaFacebookorTwitter executive burps within earshot ofthemedia, the question of a publicoffering seems to emerge.




      About the youngvolunteeroath's translation,hoped that certainEnglishability's personhelpsme me to be veryanxious.




      Most recently,on the povertyof the recipients do notknow how thankfulagainbecome the focus of mediaattention.




      We don't want anyone tothinkthetestingof these 33productsis the lastwordon which lipsticks containlead.




      Hetookherinto his confidenceconcerningthematter.




      There area number ofspeculativetheoriesaboutthistopic,butnone of them makerealistically testable predictions as of yet.




      In fact,most people who try to get me to seetheirversionof the lightneverbother to askwhatfaithorphilosophyI already profess.




      And the next day,hegaveaspeechinOhioaboutfaith.




      Yourdreamsareespeciallysymbolicnow, and youcould be working through ayear'sworthofbaggagein your sleep.




      In fact, I'm readinga number of books right nowonsoftwareteamsandways that seem to help form good teams.

