

      [gōng gòng]





      public; common; communal



      全部,public,common,communal,the public,public domain,commonality



      It was courteous of him to give his seat to theoldwomanon the bus.




      But Heumann was a victim of polio, confined to a wheelchair, and unable to navigate her chair up the busstairs.




      Miguel:Pedromadeanewgirlfriendwhen he tookabus!




      It would be a recognition of pasterrors: a part of what peoplethoughtwasprivatelendingturnedout to be publicspending.




      Thisenablesyoutoplug in a wide rangeofprotocols,even if the commonlanguageruntime is not at the otherend of the channel.




      In order for your packagemanagerto be able to check this,youneedthepublickey that corresponds to the signatures.




      Butinabordertiff that hasescalated into apublicrelationswar, it seems to begetting the better ofitsneighborNicaragua.




      Infact, Stephanie excelled at a higherlevelwithCitizensSchoolthanshedidthanin her forays in publicandprivateschool.




      Publicsectorbodies are usuallyconstrained in their activities,soderegulation is often a trigger for expensiveexperimentation.




      It's verypolite of him to give his seatonthebus to the old woman.

