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      全部,civil war,the Civil War,The War WithinCivil Wars



      Butcriticssaysthegroup'sactions are hurtingLebanon at a time when its economy was beginningtorecoverfromyears of civilwar.




      The Arkisat the brink(hence the name of the game) of a civilwar which is where the game'sfirstlevelsbegin.




      Its success madeitatarget for attack by the Britishduring the Warof1812and by the Confederates during the CivilWar.




      Though Dobley is no longer on the front lines of Somalia'scivilwar,ithasinrecentmonths been at the front lines of the Somalifamine.




      a state in south central UnitedStates; one of the Confederate states during the AmericanCivilWar.




      After the Civilwar, Their life was still very difficult,To make living, Scarlett married amanshe did notlove.




      Yeltsinbombed his wayoutof the threat of civilwar and managed to hang on to power,butRussia was lefthobbled.




      Inrealityhewas a finesoldier,"one of the bestcavalryofficers,ifnot the best, in the Union Army" in the Americancivilwar.




      Whenallmyfamilyandfriendsfound out,theywereready to re-start the CivilWar on the spot.




      Most of thesefundsandsupplies have been used in civilwar.
