

      [mào xiǎn]






      takearisk; takechances (of); risk; adventure; runarisk; attheriskof; venture; ventureon [upon]; brave





      全部,risk,adventure,brave,take a risk,take a chance,hazard,take risks



      He would not be able toruntherisk of drivingthemintoalliancewith the Republicans by furtherantagonismondomesticissues.




      The Mongol Derby2009isa true humdinger ofanadventure, and to make it even better, itaims to savea bit of the worldtoo.




      You'dlike to go an adventure, wouldn't you? To befreefrom the routine of life just to spend a fewmonths on a desertedtropicalisland.




      Will the game,as far asyouknow, keep the "real adventure" ,mysteryandstrugglefeel of the originalCold War Crisis?




      Increasedphysicalcourageand a strongsenseofadventure combine to makethis a veryinterestingtime.




      She told him notto jeopardize hisfuturefornothing -- thatshehad alreadylost her job.




      which by the way,I thought wasaventurebold enough, considering that Iknewnothowfarit might go, nor what was beyond it.




      Although Pinky was more conservativethan Vicky,shefound that she,too,had an adventurousspirit.




      Ithoughteverythingwouldbeover one dayandI would go home. I thought this wasabigadventure and I was themaincharacter.




      Hisfirst acting gigwas as a prepster in the movie Adventureland.It was asmallrole,but you gotta start somewhere.

