

      [jūn bèi]





      armament; arms



      全部,arms,armament,armaments,materiel,military preparedness



      Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has warned thatAustraliamust be preparedtorespond to an emergingarmsrace across the Asia-Pacific region.




      India,however, is notinanarmsraceor"numbersgame"like the US-Sovietrivalryof the Cold Warera.




      "Inanyarmsrace, one side is alwaysalittle ahead until the othersideadapts to its actions, " Johnson says.




      The U. S.administrationwantstomove quickly to thenextroundofarmsnegotiations, which promise to befarmoredifficult.




      Tocatch up in the armamentsrace,thatcountry has decided to take a page from the competition's book.




      Wehave to be verycarefulthatsuchaproject does not retrigger a renewedarmsrace.




      A pair of coevolutionarycreatures chasing each other in an escalatingarmsrace can onlyseemto veer out of control.




      The armamentracebetween the U. S. A. andtheU. S. S.R.,originallysupposedto be apreventivemeasure, assumes hysterical character.




      Thedanger to uswasthat the rate of itsarmamentwouldfuel the nation'sglobaladventurismagainstothers.




      "We have also been making efforts to promote the conclusionof a treaty on banningweapons in outerspace," he said.

