

      [nóng cháng zhǔ] [nóng chǎng zhǔ]













      In past years Mr Jones,althoughahardmaster,had been acapablefarmer, butoflatehe had fallen on evil days.




      Tonystoodat the door.Hefeltlostanduncomfortable.But the farmersmiledathim.




      'Of coursehe won't marry any one of us, or Tess either -agentleman'sson, who's goingtobeagreat landowner and farmerabroad!




      Alittlemouseliving on a farm was looking throughacrackin the wall one dayandsaw the farmerandhiswifeopeningapackage.




      Despite his inclination tobe a farmer,JohnAdam'sschoolingpreparedhimforcollegeand a career in the Ministry.




      A few dayslater,thefarmerandhiswifewereawakened in the night by aviolentstorm.




      It was obvious on all sides that this was what the great majorityoffarmersandbusinessmenwantedmost.



      Is ita soggy sentimentality for farmers to wanttheircows to behappy? Shouldn't abusinessmanjust worry aboutthebottom line?




      Looking back over the long and difficult years, Cloete,now 58, saidhisstruggle to remain onhisfarm did not make economic sense.




      The Libyan leadersaidhesupported the eviction of whitefarmers,andsaidZimbabwe'swhitesshouldreturn to theircountries of origin.

