
      [chū] [chu]






      issue; putup


      produce; turnout


      arrive; come






      arise; happen; takeplace; occur


      exceed; gobeyond


      putforth; vent


      payout; expend


      go [come] out; leave


      risewell (withcooking)








      全部,issue,produce,come,publish,a dramatic piece,Out,ex,cut



      Theonlyproblemis Roberts bringssomuchbaggage with herthat she never makes the characterseemunique.




      'Youcaneasilytriple your investment, ' shesays. That'sbetterthanany of mymutualfundshavedonelately.Breakouttheolive oil.




      With a burstofadrenaline, Endris thrust his head above the surface, gasping for air.




      Lower-levelofficialswill meet nextweek to workoutaplan for the next meeting between Netanyahu and Abbas,Mitchellsaid.




      As the mispronouncedandbarely intelligible wordswere dragged outofhim,hebecameinstantpreyfor his classmates.




      Whenmotherhyenaswant to call their infants up out of a den,theygroan intothe den hole, and their cubssoon pop out on the surface.




      Ms. Ashton said there was 'nonegativeresponse' byChineseofficialstoherremarks.




      Thisisametaphor for how much weneedloveand how much weneed to be needed.




      Iwas able todriveout of theparking lotbefore the panicreallyhit,butI was hyperventilating by the timeI got to Newton's.




      Hesat there motionless,only his deep,blackeyesgiving away whatever inner turmoil he might have felt.

