
      [jī] [jǐ]









      〈书〉nearly; almost; practically



      afew; several; some





      全部,several,some,a few,how many,almost,practically,a small table,a couple of,which



      Itmeansthatprinterswhopreparemail are going to be involvedwitha lot of change over thenext couple of years.




      If the Indy 500 teams are off by the thicknessof a fewsheets of paper, a once-front-running carcan find itself laps downin a hurry.




      IthinkIclickedonafewarticles,found a coupleofmistakesandtookthetimetocorrectone or two.




      Nevertheless,I do expecttosee a newface or two signed to the preseasonrosterwithin the next coupleofweeks.




      Theboatwent on without her and a fewsecondslater went down under the water.




      Ifone and one maketwo, and two and two make four, how much do four and four make?




      Itmight have stayedthatway, had I not been flicking through theTVchannelslate one night, whensomething caught my ear . . .




      The U. S.economy, whichweeks earlier looked like itwasrecovering, appeared to beslowing, according to NewYorkFedeconomists.




      Homethatnightafter the tonea bithard to me, of course,listening to hera bituncomfortable, thenwewillfightafewsmall.




      For years hisstyleinfluencedmanyanimationmakers,maybe his drawing style was moreexpression and easy to get favor from children.

