
      [ér] [er]










      youngster; youth









      I'dloveto come around to yourplacetonight,butI'm afraidweareabittied up with workat the moment.




      youseeleavesarefalling.grass is dying. Geese are readytoflysouth. It seems everything is gone.




      'Not very. ' And,withahandkerchief,she wiped awaythetears which the coughinghad brought to her eyes. 'I'm used to itnow. '




      What's the matterwithhim? It seems that hehasa crush on agirleveryterm.




      How that bit of the world looks inadecade or two willdetermine his placeinhistory.




      Ididmeet this cute young woman,andI got her to marryme. But what a naggingwifesheturnedout to be!




      But Madhusudan relentedandletme off withjusta taste ofhispride-reducing power.




      Tellher to puton her coat - it'scold.




      InEurope, too, executive aircraftare being used moreoften, butinAsia, and especially in China, they remain something of ararity.




      Oh!that would be a blessing from the goodGod,ifIcould make you some little return for that!

