

      [gē lǐ]









      全部,female circumcision,circumcise,the circumcision



      And I,brethren,ifIstillpreachcircumcision, whydo I stillsufferpersecution? Then the offense of the cross has ceased.




      All the people that came outhad been circumcised,butall the peoplebornin the desert during the journey from Egypt had not.




      Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the keepingof the commandments of God.




      An increasingnumberofimmigrants from countriespracticingfemalegenital mutilation (FGM)hasbegun to concernEurope as well.




      Thepediatricgroupdidnotrecommendroutinemalecircumcision,butitdidsay the procedureshouldbe covered byinsurance.




      And all the menof his house,bornin the house, and boughtwithmoney of the stranger, werecircumcised with him.




      ' newlycircumcisedbride (right) spendsmuch of the celebrationin her mother'shutin the company of her bestfriend. '




      "Well,"saidthepatient, "Ifinally decided after 37years of life that I would like to be circumcised. "




      And Joshuamade him sharpknives, and circumcised the children of Israelat the hill of the foreskins.




      Shegrudginglyacknowledgedcutting her daughterbutquicklyadded that she had intended only amilder form ofcircumcision.

