
      [chuāng] [chuàng]









      start (doingsth.) achieve (sth. forthefirsttime); establish; create






      Ouradvanceddesignconceptandbacked by awealthofpracticalexperiencetohelp a customerout of everyfine,creating the brand!




      It was thebank's bestprofitsince the second quarter of 2007. Earnings per share were $0. 82,up from $0. 09 a yearago.




      Bryant scored a MadisonSquareGardenrecord61pointson Feb. 2 then walked off the court as thecrowd showered him with an MVPchant.




      On top of that,corporatecashbalancesareatrecordlevelsand a growingnumber of companies are buying back shares and raisingdividends.




      InGenesis it says that it is not good for aman to be alone,butsometimes it isagreatrelief.




      As of the end of 2005, the United Stateshomesales set recordhighs for fiveconsecutiveyears,priceshavecontinued to rise.




      The existencemanwillface post-stasis willstill be challengingeven with anewperception of his placeinChrist Michael Aton'suniverse.




      Formonths,hesaid,hehaswagered the Swiss francwouldeventuallyfall, even as the currency routinely hit recordhighsagainst the euro.




      China has built the world's biggest high-speed railnetworkin record time, with its firsttrainsbeginningtorunless than five yearsago.




      When the temperature's out to set newrecords, the last thing youwantis the pain of poison ivy or the burn of a blister.

