

      [dào dǐ]






      ever; indeed


      atlast; intheend; afterall; finally


      totheend; tothefinish


      afterall; inthefinalanalysis



      全部,ever,indeed,at last,in the end,on earthafter all,in the world



      Buthowmuchis300pounds in the grand scheme of things?




      In such arace to thebottom, none of the participants can gaina lasting competitiveedge.




      Let's take alookat a fewimplications of factoryfarming, as they relate to each of thefour categories mentionedabove.




      Tortured by his doublelife,Tongstudiedvariousmedicalbooks,trying to figureoutwhat was wrong with him.




      Youcan think of these bumps in theroadasteststoseehowbadlyyouwantwhat's on the other side.




      Chinesewomanremains defiant after a courtdeadlinefor her to allow thedemolitionof her house expired.




      "Youknow that weshallfighttillone of us is dead,"said the general, whose teeth were clinched with rage.




      Journalistshardlyever made it to a DSPD unitandIwascurious to seeinside.




      Thenext several yearswill show how real Enterprise 2. 0 really isand how muchimpactitisgoing to have.




      Try the quiz! Let's see how muchyouknowaboutChinesemoviesandChineseactors.

