

      [lì xī]








      全部,interest,interest rate,dividend,Accrued Interest



      Thecourtapprovedhisapplicationsaftercarefulconsideration. This was the first case in which interest was earned from bailmoney.




      InvestorslendoutTreasuriesovernightin the so-called repo market,andget the bonds and asmallinterest payment back the nextday.




      Interest is usuallynot part of the agreement.Somelenderssaidthey did not evenexpect to be repaid.




      " A one-time upfront payment, what am I going to withit?Collectintereston it every year? That doesn't helpme with" Yahoo'sfinances.




      Somealsohaveplenty of liquidity: Harrah'shascashandunusedbankfacilitiesequivalent to twoyears of interest payments.




      The managementknowsexactly how muchcredit it could take, for how long(for whichmaturities)and in which interestrate.




      You've found a certificate of deposit that pays a fixed3%interest, with no loss of principal - notbad,youthink.




      The orthodoxview was that investmentadjusts to the fullemploymentlevelautomaticallyvia the rateofinterest.




      By the nextday,Ifoundtwogreat properties with herhelpandhave been accruing interestat16 percent eversince.




      a: here you are.iwonder how muchinterestcaniearn from a currentaccount.

