

      [jiā shang]













      全部,add,attach,plus,combined with,coupled with,add to



      And it seems to have been thissentimentality,coupled with ill-health and depression, that finallybroughthim to take his ownlife.




      So your rate could easilysurpass the rateof the originalcard,plusyou'llhavetopayafee on top of that ifyou make a latepayment.




      Withrisingwagesand a vastly underestimatedundergroundeconomy,consumershave the money and the desire to spend.




      Itwasa definite invasionofprivacyeven if thesender had failed to put"Jr" after the name.




      Iprefer "career, " with scare quotes, although onemight also callitapart-timejob with opportunitiesforadvancement.




      "Itwas a combination of rain and everyonegoingonvacationbeforeSpring Festival,"hesaid.




      "Iknewyourgrandfather was the right manformebecausewelovedourcoffee the same way,"shesaid. "Creamwithjust a touchofsugar. "




      Hethinks by all thisfast talking and flatteryhecan pull the wool over her eyes,butshe isn't deceived.



      If you do notwish to have yourinformation on-passed to third parties forpromotion of theactivities,please against the box.




      Hemight have addedthatthebiggestshareholderswereoften the bank chiefs themselves.

