

      [bāo guǒ]






      wrapup; bindup; enclose; pack; encase



      bundle; package; parcel



      全部,package,parcel,bundle,pack,wrap up,bind up,enclose,packet,packages



      So shedrovehomeand was in the garage with herlipswrapped around the exhaustpipewhen her blondeneighbor came over to visit.




      Hetookthebundle just as it was to the police-station.




      Next to themlay the body of a middle-aged monk, covered in a blanketwrappedby an elastic cord with his foot sticking out.




      "This, - he said - isn't any ordinarypackage."Heunwrapped the boxandstaredat both the silkpaper and the box.




      Trackyourpackagesquicklyandefficiently with justa fewsimplecommandsto your mobilephone.




      How much did it costyou to send theparcelexpress?




      Peterput the packageintoherhands."There is nooneelse to whom Ican give a Christmas present,"hesaid.




      dozensofthesepastel-coloredtubes,packediniceinstyrofoambuckets,awaitbeingwarmed up tobodytemperature to startevolving.




      The modifiedquestion will be: How muchbubblewrapdoyouneedtosurvivejumpingoutof the 6th floor of a building?




      When detectives followedthelead, they foundareplica of the comic's coverwrappedaround a woman's underwearcatalogue.

