

      [yī yuàn]





      hospital; infirmary; healthbuilding



      全部,hospital,infirmary,Hospitals,The Hospital,In a Hospital



      He had stated his refusal several times outside thehospitalgate,butshesaidshewas free today and really would like togowithhim.




      First is the concept of the system, reform, publichospital, private hospital, health caresystemandthenexploreitstheoreticalbasis.




      WhenIworkedin a hospital,I used todoonly two or three operations a day.




      You want tomake sure thatyouconstantlyhavenutrition,or you couldendup in the hospital.




      e. g.Shehad hardly opened her eyes when theambulancesenthertohospital.




      As a messenger at the ghettohospital, Mr Edelman wasone of the fewallowedout.




      Ifshe does notpay, she said,hospitalofficialshavewarned that her husbandwill be released to her custody.




      Assoon as you get settled, make it a priority to get doctorandhospital recommendations fromotherexpatsor the U. S.embassy.




      Sir Alexander Fleming'slaboratoryinStMary's Hospital,London,survives just as it was whenhediscoveredpenicillinin1928.




      What worriedthechild most washisnot being allowedtovisit his mother in the hospital.

