






      primary; original; former


      unprocessed; raw



      excuse; pardon



      level, opencountry; plain





      全部,original,primary,raw,former,plain,level, open country,excuse,pardon,OriginalHara,plasminogen



      It justifies,becauseyouknowAnakinand Obi -Wan have it out,but Anakin is the chosen one-heissupposedtobe the best.




      In the UK, the Thamesbarrier, designed to beraised once everysixyears, is now being raised six timesayear.




      Well, yes. It comes as a bitof a surprise.Ithoughtyou were happyhere.




      Hewouldsuddenlyfall into a profoundmeditation, whence he only emerged to write a fewlineson the pages of the volume itself.




      Ialsowasstruck by how much overlap exists between thesensory repertoires of single-origin chocolatesand single-origin coffees.




      Shehadexpectedhim to say 'Yes',buthe said 'No' instead.




      Apersonfamiliar with the matter called the visionstatement a 'brainstormingdocument'andsaidit wasn't presentedtoseniorexecutives.




      Nowimagine that theoriginalarchitect has left the projectafterayear, and a newarchitect comes on board.




      Therewas a reason why the slow turtleovertook the harein the race, you know.




      It has been used in thetreatment for prostatecancer, liver cancer,primarymalignantosteosarcomaandbreastcancer, etal.

