

      [cān yù]





      takepartin; participatein; join; haveahandin; bearapartin



      participation; involvement



      全部,participation,involvement,join,take part in,participate in,Participation,engagement,be involved in



      Eachparticipantwore an accelerometer,asmalldevice fitted tothehip to measure how much time they spendwalkingandrunning.




      He stars in a popularChineseversionof'The Apprentice, ' in which he dispenses advicetoentrepreneurswhoaspire to be likehim.




      Hans was on his way, having askedtwo other members of the team to joinhim:adeveloperand a tester.




      For theseparticipants, the levels of the inflammatory marker continued to rise for atleastonehourafter the speech.




      The childreninstablefoster care weredoing as well on measuresofparticipationandprogressineducation as those who were adopted.




      Objectively, there needsto be aninstitutional build-up to helpthepublic become betterinvolved in everyday politics.




      The distinguishof the rightandobligation of every parties is taken upfrom the point of legalrelationship.




      We'retrying to tap into anaturalpathwayinvolved in this kindofbiology.




      Thelengthynegotiationperiodbetween COSL and Awilco suggests no-one elsewasprepared to cough up a comparable sum.




      The president now finds himself accused of beingbotha warmonger forentering the war and a wimp for his lame prosecution of it.

