






      receive; accept


      suffer; besubjectedto


      stand; endure; bear








      The length of the zoneadjacent to a transducer in which fluctuations in soundpressure occur is mostly affectedby:A.




      Shewas impressed andstartedaskingmyadviceoncuttingandpasting and fancyframingforherdigitalpics.




      Bigger feltthat he was caught up in avastbutdelicatemachinewhosewheelswouldwhirlnomatter what was pitted against them.



      Brazilian pollsters maybemaking it evenharderthan necessary byneglecting to askrespondentswhether they actually intend to vote.




      Conceptually,that's a bitsimpler,but it wouldmake it awkward to, say, mine your orderdata to count the mostpopulartoppings.




      Such fear is often so all-consuming that youspenda great deal of yourtimeandenergyavoiding the thing that frightenes you.




      Thecerebrumisnotcontrolled thinks you,wants to see you to hear your soundimmediately immediately.




      s the matter, honey? " hemayfeel insulted or repulsed . He feels as though she doesn't trusthim to handlethings. "




      You know,youcanturnthis whole thinginto a Jewish bar mitzvahor something like that.




      Of the parentssurveyed, 67%said the fear of neckinjurywas the mostimportantreasontheirchildren did notwear a helmet.

