

      [hū yù]






      appeal; callon



      全部,appeal,call on,appeal to,call for,appeal for



      Allthiscries out for a multilateralapproach, in which institutionssuch as the IMF and the G20 forgeconsensusamong the bigeconomies.




      Thisallowsthem to callout the hiddenpowersof the lightwithin the souls of every human.




      An Israelimayor on the front lines of the conflictwith the Palestiniansiscalling for atruce with Islamicmilitants.




      Itisonlynecessary to call to mind the best of the oldcommentariesandinterpretations of the book.




      Iwish to usethisopportunity to call upon all the artists to unite in a campaign againstpiracy.




      Hewas one of the firstmajorpoliticians to call for Donald Rumsfeld's resignation.




      Cheney is an advocate for pursuing the warinIraqto try to stabilize the country,whileObamawants to get U. S.troops out ofIraq.




      FranceandPoland have called for his release, butsupport for him in Hollywoodprovoked an angrybacklash.




      The debateincludeda lot of jawboningaseachcandidatetriedtopersuadevoters to seetheissueshisway.




      Shecontinued to travel aroundthenation, speaking out againstdrugandalcoholabuse.

