

      [nǎ pà]





      even; evenif; eventhough; nomatterhow



      全部,even,even though,even if,Even,if onlyevenif



      If you are catchingatrain, it is always better to be comfortably Early than even afraction of a minute too late.




      Ifall the worldhatedyou, and believedyouto be wicked, while your ownconscience approved of you, you couldstillhold up your head.




      Hewasnotaman to feel any strongmoralindignationeven on account oftrespasses against himself.




      There was truth and there was untruth, and ifyouclung to the trutheven against the whole world, you werenotmad.




      "A greatwriterisalwaysworth reading,"hesaid, "even at his worst. "




      Please don't litterany inorganic garbagepieces,notevenapieceof a candy wrapper,and bag them back into a garage bin.




      Hehadlookedatit out of his windoweven when heappearedto be most detached fromit.



      Good to seeyou really want to callyou,justhope you canthink of me,evenif it isasecond, I'm veryhappy.




      For that reason,itwouldnotbe wise to commit to a newjob in May - wait until June to sign or to give your verbal final answer.




      But with a projected $2billionbudgetdeficit,state leaders needto forget aboutjackpot fantasies, at least for the moment.

