

      [hòu rén]






      posterity; descendants


      latergenerations; futurity



      全部,posterity,descendants,the descendants,Descendants,posthuman



      You are readytobe a ladder,lettingothers step on yourshoulders to pick the fruit of success.




      It's just one of the manyfacts Alexander uncovered about her family.Shesays her greatgrandfathersacrificedtohelpfuturegenerations.




      Han Feizi,aLegalist thinker born about acenturyafterMencius, warned that "thechildrenofa kindly mother often turn out bad. "




      Being the offspring of a legend made her an easy target for high schoolkidstoseehowtoughshewas.




      However, there is nopersonalexperienceabouthim was leaved, and people did notseem to organizeallthis.




      IfI am to be judged by those who come after me,let me be judged by the truth.




      Itisforthis reason about it,then later generationsofmen and womentomarry Liang calledauspicious days "a week."




      The fictionmight be whatmatters,says Gordimer,but it is the deeds of her life by which she wants to be judged.




      Is it agenuine work later mistaken for that ofamore highly valuedcontemporary?




      One lastquestion:Suppose,Lord Russell,thisfilm were to belooked at by ourdescendantslikea dead-seascrollinathousandyearstime.

