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      Are youready to call it a day?




      Butyouknow what?Ibet that Obamawill start apologizingto North Korea and try to open a 'friendlyhand' to them.




      Could I try some of that jam?Jam?Thatblackberryjam.Oh, of course,darling. Actually, it'ssort of afishberry jam. It's calledcaviar.




      For the sakeofresearch,youactuallyvolunteeredto become infected with a cold.Was the experienceeverythingyouthought it wouldbe?




      Jerry:I'm supposed to see her again on Thursday,butcan I go outwithsomeone who actuallylikesthiscommercial?




      Forgiven her? There was nothing toforgive.She was trying to escape from her ownparticularsolitude.Shegavemejust enough to survive.




      Synopsis : The defending conference champsseem to be in goodshape with a healthyKobeandBynum.Butwillthey make a move with Odom?




      Paul:Good! Then will youandJill be ableto have lunch with me? After lunch Icantakeyou to theairport.



      He who did notspare his ownSon, but gave himupforusall--how will he not also,alongwithhim, graciously giveus all things?




      So if it wasn't such asevereerror,Icouldjust bail out withanerrorcode?

