

      [lìn sè guǐ]





      miser; niggard; skinflint



      全部,miser,niggard,skinflint,Scrooge,tightwad,The Miser



      Ifmyunclewas certainly amiser,he was oneofthatthorough breed that goes neartomakethe vice respectable.




      Maybeyouthink it's impossibleforyou,but it ispossible for a mannamed Ebenezer Scrooge.




      Cindy: That'swhyyoumarrieda penny-pincher.If I leftitup to you,we'd be in the poorhouse by now!




      Hiswifefound the child to eat the restofmedicine,why the disorder take medicine to blamestingy.




      Hereallyisamiser: for mybirthday,hegaveme a pieceofgrassbecause he saidit was thecheapestthing he couldfind!




      None of the girlslike to go out on adatewithhimbecauseheis a cheap skate.




      In previous lifetime,youwere,amiser.Youlived like a pauper when you had plenty ofmoney.




      Her eyesrested for an instant on the threefrancsIleft for the waiter, and Iknew that shethought me mean.




      "Here's ahundred,"saidthetightwad. "Justloosenthemupabit. "




      Butnone of myfriendswant to go outwithhimbecausehe's such a cheapskate.

