
      [bā] [ba]






      〈方〉drawon [pullat] one'spipe; smoke












      Oh,Isee.Icanhelpyou to meetitsmanager. Now, let me introduceMadamHuang to you. You can do it at your meaning. Right? --Ok!




      I'm sorryIforgotyourbirthday.Let me makeitup to you.




      The secondchorustimes or bar, the middle of a movementlikeGypsophila paniculata,we do notknowhow it jumplikethisaction.




      Go ahead if youthinkthe job suitsyouand don't if not. It's all up to you to decide.




      Ifyouwantladyluck in your life,open a door for herto enter.




      Come along then and bringthisreceipt with you. And I am afraidwe've gonna havetochargeyou20 for that.




      Jack:ItellyouwhatIdid for that weekend. My roommatetookmehome with him.




      soCindyandI have comeup with a fewsweetexcuses for getting out of gym class. Check'em out!




      Themasklookedlike the face of a withered old man with stringy white hair,so that Imust have lookedlikean undertaker.




      Shoveit Scarlet.Noonewants to hear your prowestern ideology and subjectivity.Ifyouwerestarving,youwouldeatanything.

