

      [shāng dìng]





      decidethroughconsultation; cometo [make] anagreement; agree



      全部,agree,agree on,agree to,agreed upon



      The world does not need to agreenow on just how much moneyflows between countriesas a result ofclimatechange.




      PremierLeaguepaneltodecidewhether or not United gave defender permission to leave Old Trafford for an agreed fee.




      Much ofwhat happened to ChianginCairowas the result of earlier negotiations between Chinaand the United StatesinWashington.




      In the samevein,wealsointend to see that our Earthallies carry out thosepolicies that we have jointlyagreed to.




      Heand his wifedecidedtogiveadinner party, with the arrangements taken bodily from the contents of awoman's magazine.




      In a2006agreement,thefacility was toberelocatedtoalesspopuloussiteonOkinawa,butasuitablesite has not beenagreed to.




      The G77 negotiators continued to engage in negotiations,hoping for these to bepart of the finalagreedoutcome.




      There,they were tonegotiateatreaty that would transform Toydaria into a keyRepublicoutpostinHuttSpace.




      Previouslyagreed upon,leaving a certainnumber of DominoesFACEDOWNWARDS as stock to drow from.and stands themupinfront of him.




      Subconsciouslyyouknowit to beso,asyouagreedwith the planwhenyoufirstvolunteered for the experience.

