






      country; nation; state





      national; ofthestate


      ofourcountry; Chinese



      全部,country,state,nation,a surname,nationalof the state,Kwok,my Way,Hurt So Bad



      Rich countries have never been receptivetoitscriticismsoftheirpolicies or responsive to its suggestions.




      The founders of the EU believed itspurposewas more than economicadvantageand that the projectdemandedasense of mutualsolidarity.




      TheUnitedStatessubsequently did notratify the treaty and is not a participant in the protocol.




      And thesenatorsmiled,as if heratherliked the idea ofconsideringhimselfasacrifice to hiscountry.



      In Europe,hesaidpeople were currently eating70% more meat and dairy productsthan they needed for a healthydiet.




      For along time,pricetermsoftradeisconsidered one of importantindexes for judging how much a nationgainstradebenefits.




      SolomonsonofDavid established himself firmly over his kingdom, for theLord his Godwaswithhimandmadehimexceedinglygreat.




      Hesaidall G20 nationsagreedontheneed for astrongregulatoryresponse to the crisisand on the broad shape it shouldtake.




      He said the workofdemocracypromotershas been made moredifficult by rapideconomicgrowthinsuchcountriesasChinaandRussia.




      Suchamachine has asetofstates,and a set of statetransitionswhich are affected by theinputstream.

