
      [cháng] [chǎng]






      site; spot; scene




      〈方〉countryfair; market






      alevelopenspace; threshingground















      全部,farm,site,market,scene,for sports and recreation,field,Fields,match



      Ifshewins,letit be with a fairandopenvote that willonlyadd to ratherthandetractfromherlegitimacyandeffectiveness.




      Mondaynight, the spotlightwillturn to the finals of the men's 110m hurdles, and it's shaping up to be a greatone.




      The pastweek hasn't beeneasy,nobody can imaginewhatI've been through.It has been areallybad time. Imust just put it out of my mind.




      President John F. Kennedy mighthaveagreed. "Awall",he said at the time, "is a hell of a lotbetterthan a war. "




      In the homeofjudicial activism, the U. S.Supreme Court isstillno result of a controversy on judicial activism andjudicialrestraint.



      host:you said coming inthisfight,you want to leave no doubt,do you think you did that this time?




      If the schedule was flip-flopped and the Lakers played12 of these at homeyoucouldbe looking at averystrong month.




      3billionis up forsalein two auctions,one of thelargest allotments so far thisyear.




      Beforethefiregovernment had mostly stayed awayfrombusiness feeling it had nopower to legislate it.




      Modernbungee jumpingisusually done in aparkinglotandpeoplejumpfroma platform at the top of acrane.

