

      [shèng dì]






      sacredplace; sacredland; shrine





      全部,shrine,sacred land,sacred place,Holy Land,Sanctum,the Holy Land



      Hismother, confounded by her immature but overly and irreverentson,hadsenthimtofinish his studies in a Catholic school in Santiago.




      In recentyears,authorities have been trying toturnMacaufroma gaming city intoatouristdestination.




      In the yearsfollowinghisassassination,a small wallin the sleepyriversidedistrictof Kampa became something of ashrine.




      Itwastheshrine to which mostambitiousyoungwritersof the era made their pilgrimage.




      I just decided not to go.ItwasaholyplaceandIthoughtnoneof my family would go there if I died there.




      Aman, hiswifeand his mother-in-law went on vacationtotheHolyLand.




      Currently,Nigeria,anIslamicextremistorganization"Brocade HolyLand,"astatement, said the responsibilityfor the attack.




      It's atouristspotandashrine that celebrates the defeatof the last of JewsatMasada, the fortress that Herod the Great had built.




      Thepoliticalandmoral rearing of the youngergenerationiscloseto the heart of the movement,and it is to this that we now turn.




      Butawoman who seemed to havea bit of theschoolmarm in hertook the pilgrimagemoreseriously,arguing that China had aneed for Marxism.

