





      stay; remain


      exist; beliving


      dependon; liein; restwith


      joinorbelongtoanorganization; beamemberofanorganization



      inprocessof; incourseof






      全部,stay,exist,remain,be living,in process of,in course of,a surname



      Asyoumighthaveguessed,I'm hopingthatthisbottlewill work its magic,asit did once before, and somehow bringus back together.




      ApartmentManager: There aren't any rodentsor any othervermininthisapartmentcomplex.I make sure of that.




      Whenit'shungon a movablestand,youcantakeit with youto the bathroomor on a stroll down the hall.




      ButI missed being eligible for a regular scholarshipby one pointon the entranceexams,and a scholarshipwas the onlywayI could attend.




      "It's as ifthere's this littleJuliaor Nicola inanolive greenuniform there on yourshoulder, "hesaid.




      Thoseofyouare familiar with ourmessagesknow otherwise, and that our positive energy carries with eachword as youread them.




      It's safe tosay that in the caseof the subprime-mortgagemess,regulationandgovernmentsubsidiesdeservemuch of the blame.




      So, what kind of an impact is all that timespent fraternizing over technology instead of inpersonhavingontoday'syouth?




      Andin trying to answerthis we must neverlose sight ofa fewelementary truisms .




      For the firsttwelveyears, the declinewasa somewhat arresting one:ayear of meltfollowed by one of atleastpartial recovery.

