

      [chéng shì]






      city; town






      "Therearecitycentres around the worldin which nooneseems to be a full-time resident,"henotes.




      It was alsoagreed that no violencewouldbepermittedinthesecitiesand that pettycriminalsofalltypes were to be discouraged.




      Inthewinter,aheavy fogfilled the sky above, and manyplanes were forced to turn back without dropping off the needed supplies.




      It has beenaveryimportantquestion that debates endlessly again all the time what kindofdevelopmentpaths of urbanizationChinatook.




      LondonisEurope's most expensivecity,butbargains are easytofindifyouknowwhere to look.




      Use the SalaryWizard at Salary. com tofind out how much speechpathologists currently earn inyourcity.




      "I'm just happy to be backhere and the cityis what brings me back and Iknowthiscity deserves awinner, " he said.




      Cityisafamoushistoricalandculturalcitynortheast is the only one with the nameof the countryto the city.




      As hevisitedmanycitiesbeforehe came to Hefei,he thought he knew some "hiddenrules" inthisline.




      Livein the heart of New YorkCity, Chicago, Bostonoranothermajorcity for at leastayear.

