

      [tǎn bái]






      honest; frank; candid


      confess; makeaconfession; ownup






      To be honestwithyou, it is not as easy as you thought to compete with themhere.So, you`d betterlookbefore you leap.




      To be perfectlycandid,myown condition was not far removed from that ofsuperstitiousfear.



      As strange as itmayseem,when a husband owns up to hismistake and says"I'm sorry," it makes a wifefeeltreasured.




      Hett chosetokeepAnakin'sburden a secret,for it was ultimately up to Anakin to confesshis transgressions to the JediCouncil.




      Butfrankly,a lot of times, structurally speaking for the scene, the point istoirritate you know.




      Shejust looked downatme, brushed the hair out of my face and saidfrankly,"I don't know."




      Frankly,I think you are manofexcellent talant. You will be on the top of the others. this pointIbelieveyou. It isture!




      The childrenarecute,they are naive, honest, passion, and my heartsaywhat the thoughtof what to say, without the slightestreluctance.




      "If wewant to be honest, we'rewaiting for a truce, we want to negotiate for him to leave, "headded, referring to PresidentAssad.




      Imustbecandid with you as theonlymeansofavoidingultimateconsequences.

