

      [lǚ xíng]





      perform; fulfil; carryout



      全部,perform,fulfil,carry out,performance,fulfill,implement



      Hehasmadeabargain, and Ishallholdhim to it.




      Hesaidthe Obama administrationwillmake sureinterrogations are consistent with U. S. obligations under theGenevaConventions.




      theyarelockedout of beingable to dischargeresponsibilities just as surely as they are locked out of beingable to exerciserights.




      "Thosenations that refuse to live up to theirobligationsmustfaceconsequences,"hesaid.




      Mr Medvedev said the "existing set ofreservecurrencies had failed to performtheirfunctions".




      Some members of the clergybelievetheirdeitieswatch over everyact,thought, and consequence of the deeds of everymortalworshiper.




      Ifyouknow, that heis just, know ye, that every one also, who dothjustice, isborn of him.




      And I'm not trying to be givingyouabitterpill,noI. . . And Idon'twannamake you promises Ican'tfulfill, no. . .




      The investigationshowed that hefailed to comply with the terms of his employmentand his obligations as adepartmentmanager.




      Icouldno longer devote any time to thejob, and Lieutenant GovernorJim Guy Tuckerwas more than ready and able to take over.

