
      [shǎo] [shào]








      few; little; less



      sonofarichfamily; youngmaster





      beshort; lack


      lose; bemissing


      stop; quit





      alittlewhile; amoment



      全部,less,little,few,young,seldom,a little while,a moment,lack,lose,quit,be short,son of a rich family,small,poor



      With sofewpeople, Tiree lackstraffic, street lights, and the sortof background noiseyou get used to in urban places.




      Some newspaper reports claimed Mourinho was either inLondonalreadyor about to fly into EnglandfromPortugal for talkswith the FA.




      Thisphenomenon is oftenin the constructionsitetositemadeand baidu keywordoptimization,evenlittle do notunderstandcustomerbody.




      notdrinkmuchlessofaherois heroic,and the wine can only be regarded as ahero out of aperitif, appetizer,wine, liquor beauty.




      For there is the little matter of buildingareactorthatcanrunforlongenough to turn out ameaningfulamount of electricity.




      It isquiteremarkable just how much powercan be hadwithsofewsimpleconcepts.




      Byunderstanding and accepting the peculiarities of his schedule, he was able to make workmorepleasant and lessfrustrating.




      Dr.Smith, a nativeofMainewho has traveledoutsideNewEngland only rarely,concededhedidnotknowmuchaboutChina.




      Intoday's competitiveeconomy, where everyoneisdoingmorewithless,you've gotto figure out a way to bevalueaddfrom the start.




      Sure,theymakemoney,butitisinsultingtoseecompletelyirrelevanttruckadswhenauser is looking at Freedman's latest book.

