






      stop; cease; end




      〈书〉dismiss [remove] fromoffice





      〈书〉thereafter; afterwards





      全部,already,afterwards,stop,cease,end,registered,nnnn,has been



      The notificationscancontainlinks to a Web site to retrievemoreinformationor to acknowledgereceiptof the information.




      When Jacobhadfinished giving instructionsto his sons,hedrew his feet up into thebed,breathed his last andwasgathered to his people.




      Asageneral and high efficientoptimizationalgorithm,geneticalgorithmhasalready been used in allrealmsofengineeringcalculation.




      Sure,the Kindle'spotentialmarketmayhaveshrunktoday, since the two-books-a-yearfolkswill now choose the more versatile iPad.




      Monte Carlomethodshave been used for decades in physics,engineering,statistics, and otherfields.




      Many webmasters haveturnedacombinationofscripts(JSP, ASP, orPHP)andadatabasetohelpthemcope with anever-growingsite.




      New: Seek bar on full screennowshows how much of thevideohasbeendownloaded(usingred color).




      Afew well-selected plant varietiescanhavemoreimpactand appeal than a mix match selectionofone of these here andone of those there.




      While the Presidenthaddeclared an end to majorhostilities, the harshrealitywas that the war was far from over.




      It wasa question of constructing an elaborateformaledificetowhicheverybodycouldcontribute.Students got excited about it.

