

      [gōng chéng]





      engineering, project, programme















      全部,work,development,technique,job,Engineering,Project,reverse engineering



      But thequestion remains: How muchgeneticengineeringis feasible?




      Theparticipatingengineers gave the meetinghighmarks,saying that they were able toobtainextremelyusefulinformation.




      Therefore,surfaceroughnessmeasuringtechnique takes averyimportantplace in engineer ing and technological research.




      the extentandnature of the workandGoodsnecessaryfor the execution and completion of the Works and the remedying of anydefects.




      ElectronicengineerPedro Monagas said the gadget called"Why Cry"wouldsoon go on sale at pharmaciesinSpain.




      Theywere, you know, engineers, physicists, mathematicians, architects, furnituredesigners even, artists.




      From the perspectiveofengineeringevaluation, the distributionform of soilparameter has noinfluenceonreliabilityindex.




      Theengineeringcoursesare rather intense with ademandingworkload, but I would not expect anything less.




      WhatI have done for the last twoyearsis use thisexecutablearchitectureas the startingcode for the softwareengineeringcourses.




      For a long time,theBank had providedfirmsupportfor the Corporation to expand its operation in the internationalcontractingmarket.

