

      [bìng qiě]






      and; also; and ... aswell; inaddition


      besides; moreover; furthermore



      全部,and,also,moreover,furthermore,besidesin addition,as well as



      And Isaac brought her intohismother Sarah'stent,andtook Rebekah, and she becamehiswife.




      "Never mindwhathewent under.Itwasamistake,that'tall. Abigmistake . Poorfellow. "He had cocktailnowandshook his headatit.




      Soyourreputation,atleastwithintheenterprise,andpossiblybeyond, depends on makingpromisesaboutservicelevels.




      And aplanet just happens to form around the samedistance that Earth is away from the Sunwith a similar tiltandatmosphere.




      The mini-lessons will give you a glimpse at the kind ofthingsyou'lllearnin b-schooland help you makesureanMBAisright for you.




      Ilearneda great dealfromhim,andIappreciatehimforthesubject he taughtand the way that he taught it.




      That molecule remained for only a few daysandappeared to strengthenthebraincircuit responsible for maintaining the fearfulmemory.




      Hemadebattle with all his neighbours,andvanquishedthem.




      for the remaining moiety of hisfirstwife'sfortune was also secured toherchild,andhehadonlyalife-interestinit.




      You are about to embark upon the last episode that will see an end to duality,andall will eventuallychange from whatyouknowit as now.

