

      [nián qīng]








      全部,young,youth,Young For You,Teen



      Hesaidlaterthathethoughtof killing himselfaftersomanyfailures.




      Ayoungman is forced to joinhis grand father in a search for his father,who has fledwith the bodyof his deceasedwife.




      "Once uponatime,therewas an ambitiousyoungman who didn't read The Economist. The End,"readoneparticularlyaudaciousad from 2004.




      Butit'snot that the campaign isn't tryingtospeak to the youth of today,asopposed to the youth of decadesago.




      It's ratherdisarmingtohearatalentedyoungwomantalk aboutherreproductiveability in such a matter-of-fact manner.




      Lined seems to havelatchedon to thatgangofyoungsters who hand around the shops.




      The minister,alarge man who looksyoungerthan his years,saidheisabletotalkwithgangmembersbecausehe"used to be a thug. "




      'I didn't likethisjobuntil this talkwithyou,John,'said the young seaman, 'butI'm with younow. '




      The old manrunsveryfastasif he wereayoungman.




      Increasingly it isyoungfamilies that have been frozen out of theUKpropertymarketwho are looking tomove for a variety of reasons.

