






      belt; girdle; ribbon; band; tape


      zone; area; belt


      【医】leucorrhea; whites; leukorrhea







      take; bring; carry


      lead; head


      lead; bringalong


      bear; have


      lookafter; bringup; raise


      〈方〉include; count


      havingsth. attached; simultaneous


      dosth. incidentally






      Hesaw that he wouldnot be able to runwith the ball, so he signalled for a fair catch.




      Youcanevencarry it in alittle box with youtowork, and have it when you feelthe urge to snack.




      Dimitrov, who died aged31, had themobilewithhimwhenhewasshotwhileeating out with amodel.




      Shewaswearingajasmine garland on hertightblue dress,wet with perspirationfrom the small of her backto her legs.




      If it's an after work dateandyou won't beable to gohome,bringachange of clothes with you.




      He tookhertoaplace where they would see the bus go by on their lunchbreak.




      the bottom line isrunningin the rainprobably keeps you drier thanwalking. but do remembertotake an umbrella with you!




      In the spring, the newcalveswouldbebrandedandturnedoutwith the rest of the cattletogrow fat on the summer grass in the mountains.




      Anotherarguedthatmenoftenbuyunderwearfortheirpartners; I said that thiswasusuallyred, lacy andinappropriate.




      It seems that the worldbecomessmallernowadays.Youcouldbefoundwhereveryou are so long as you take the mobile phone with you.

