






      help; assist





      gang; band; clique


      side; upper


      secretsociety; underworldgang


      outerleaf (ofcabbage, etc.)



      agroupof; abandof; agangof



      全部,help,assist,work,gang,side,band,cliquea group of,a band of,a gang of,to help,INThe Mungiki



      Jin: In a group,ifI make a mistake,someonecancover it up for me.




      "I'vemadea reservation1 for youbothatTony'sSteakhouse for tomorrow at seven, " his wife told himas she handedhim the phone.




      They prepared averyniceandairyroom for me,Justcominginside, on asmalltableIfoundavaseofroses----my favoriteflower.




      I am stilllearningnewtechniquesandIwould be more than happy to hear about techniquesthat have worked foryouandyourteam.




      I'm only trying to helpyou out. You shouldn't bepushmearound like this.




      You don't hireuscompanybecauseweflow has no value, just to flow and flow. .. You hire us help you is to helpyougetmore sales.




      IfI had nothelpedhim, he would havefailed in business.




      Delegatesare a veryconvenienttechniqueto let theapplicationframework interact with the problem-specific code.




      You're verykindfortrying to helpme.Maybeitmightwork,but there'snobody.




      D: sure,but my teachersalwaysencouragedme to do thebest that I could and that helped me a lot.Whenareyourfinalexams?

