

      [yīng dāng]





      should; oughtto; duty-bound; naturally



      全部,should,ought to,duty-bound,must,deserveshall



      Hesaidresourcesshould be switchedawayfromthesehighlyexpensivestudies, which in hisviewhavenowdonetheirjob.




      Mr Cameronisrighttosaythat anyone old enough to committhesecrimes is old enough to face thefullforceof the law.




      The value of the goods on board to be arrested on application by amaritimeclaimantshall be equivalent to the amount of hisclaim.




      Ofcourse,youshould check with your doctor to be sureyou can begin,and if so, how much you can safely do.




      If amanualsystem is being replaced, the two should be run in parallel for atime, asapart of this testingandvalidation.




      "Mr. Obama might have noted that thisworkbeganunderPresidentBush,butasusualhedidnot," Abrams complained.




      She is alwaystrying to get out of doing herfairshare.




      Therefore, the interiorshouldretainalow degreeoflight,itsbrightnessto be able to see the books and writingasappropriate.




      Within a few yearsRahmwouldbeback in Washington,as a congressman from Chicago,thecityhethoughtshould be capital of the world.




      It seemstomethatweought to find ways to develop back channel or front channel discussions with this individual.

