

      [hěn duō]

















      全部,a great many of,a good many of,a lot ofMany,lots of,much



      Stonehouses: These houses are made of stones beside hills,quiet, pureandstrong. It seemstotell us astory long time ago.




      that itispainfultothink of the multitude of people living in the midst of it andyet remaining almostblind to it.




      Thereweregoing to be some really emotionalscenes where hetried to save her fromdying,butsheultimately passed.




      Beijingplayed what manyconsider to have been adestructiveroleat the Copenhagen talks on climatechange.




      Heputagreatdeal of his heart into theprojectand the next dayhe handed it in to his teacher.




      However,there was stillplenty of debateabout the sizeandlength of the program, particularly in the past few days.




      To be useful in a widevariety of applications,programs must be able to storemanydifferenttypes of data.




      Tomorrownight, she was ready to goshopping with her mother to buy what she wanted ,such as milk, bananas, apples, Hamburgandso on.




      And for that matter,newcode might be able to implementonly AIO and therebysimplify quite alotofthings.




      The treatment of redundant prepuceexpense how muchmoneyisatopic of concern for manypatients.

