

      [bì xū]





      must; haveto; beobligedto; necessary



      全部,must,necessary,have to,have got to,nameneed



      Inmoderation. As youknowalcohol contains caloriesandmustbecountedinyour meal plan.




      The data to populate these forms is oftenstoredin a relationaldatabasewhichneeds to be rendered in an exactposition on the form.




      "Weneedopenaccess,"shesaid. "These childrenandfamiliesneed to be protectedandtheyneed to getoutfast. "




      Huang was theleader, so hehad to put on ahappy face that beliedhisdisappointment. He says there was noexcitement for him that day.




      Well,I've gottotellyou,there are nomagicaldietsand no guaranteeswhen it comes todietandcancer.




      Ihave no doubtthataportion of the debtwillultimatelyneed to be folded intoaeurozonebond.




      Sure,youcan exchange them,but on someCONDITIONS.You'd better have the invoice with you and you'd better nottakeoff the TAG.




      Youknowyou really haveto be conscious ofthatwhen you have a youngchildas well as teenagers.




      He'sbeenhereayearandhopefullyhewillhavecometo terms with the differentstyle of football by the time the seasonstarts.




      Portfoliomanagement,asadiscipline,must be exercised by means ofa number of integratedandinteractingworkprocesses.

